Posted by: iestrada | April 22, 2008

You are fired Flabby !!!

Wassup Gente, I came across this article and I couldn’t stop laughing, a sad laugh of course, to see to what extremes societies are trying to do something to combat the overweight Epidemy.

We got involved in this project not only to promote changes in our habits but also to keep each other accountable for our efforts and not regress into our comfort zone.

Wouldn’t be great to have that kind of accountability at work every time we reach for a snack or some extra cup of coffee?

Well as usual, Japanese are a step ahead of us and are implementing a radical approach to keep people accountable for monitoring their weight.

According to British newspaper The Guardian corporations in Japan will be penalized for failing to keep weight control for employees over 40 years old. According to this article they will have to take a mandatory “flab checks” next month and “men with girths of more than 85cm (33.5in) will be given exercise and diet plans and, in urgent cases, told to see a doctor”.

Can you imagine if we were to take these extremes here in America? If you look around your workplace, how many would qualify for a medical leave of absence? I know I would for sure! lol Do we need to get to this extremes to get serious about our OWN health?

This article is both sad and hilarious and I can’t help feeling sorry for people in Japan who will have to go through this process I’m sure it’s going to be humiliating for some people.

I’ve said it before and I’d say it again… GLAD TO LIVE in AMERICA!!!

Read the full article: GUARDIAN.CO.UK

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